The Only Boldly Blueprint: Say Goodbye to Hustling Harder

Juggling life, business, and self-care got you feeling overwhelmed and feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of to-do lists?

You’re not alone.

But what if you could ditch the overwhelm and start taking action on what actually matters (without the “should” guilt trip)?

Enter the Only Boldly Blueprint

Say goodbye to the “hustle harder” mantra. Doing these things each day helps me run my creative business in a more effective, feel good way (in a limited number of hours because day job and toddler life).

1. Daily Focus Formula

Ditch the long to-do list & identify your 3 must-do tasks for laser-sharp prioritization.

2. 15 For You

Commit to at least 15 minutes of daily self-care, whether it's meditation, exercise, reading, or a hobby. Do something that is just for you and not for your kids, partner, dog, or plants.

3. Flow State Productivity

Schedule tasks around your peak energy periods for effortless efficiency. Schedule low-demand tasks for slower times or delegate them altogether.

4. Embrace Micro Breaks

Get up, stretch, move around every 30-60 minutes.You’ll boost your focus and avoid burnout with these strategic breaks.

5. Growth Mindset Multiplier

Dedicate time each day or week to learn new skills relevant to your business or personal development. Read books, listen to podcasts, attend workshops.


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Conquering Busy Days and Building Your Creative Business