Conquering Busy Days and Building Your Creative Business

A day job, a creative business, errands, social commitments, and the ever-present "adulting" to-do list can feel like… A LOT. Add in keeping pets/humans/plants alive?! How can you balance all the things?

It’s easy to get frustrated when you feel like you just don’t have enough time. And while there are busy seasons, it is possible to make room for your business - without sacrificing your sanity or social life.

Time Management Mastery:

Remember that time you swore you'd conquer your day and ended up watching dog Reels for three hours? Yeah, we've all been there. But once you master becoming a time management pro, you can carve out dedicated space for your creative business amidst the daily chaos. Here are your secret weapons:

  • Time Blocking: Imagine your day as a delicious pizza (because who doesn't love pizza?). Divide it into slices for specific tasks, like "writing content" or "social media domination." This helps avoid distractions and lets you focus on your creative magic without getting sidetracked by laundry folding (unless that's your creative outlet, no judgment here).

  • Batch Similar Tasks: Don't context-switch! Group similar activities, like scheduling social media posts or responding to emails, into one work session. This minimizes mental whiplash and boosts your efficiency like a rocket-powered squirrel.

  • Utilize Tools: Tools like project management apps, time trackers, and to-do list apps are your organizational best friends. Use them to conquer your tasks and track your progress.

  • Embrace the Power of "No": Don't be afraid to politely decline commitments that drain your time and energy. Remember, your business deserves your focus too!

Prioritize for Peak Performance:

Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritize ruthlessly, focusing on activities with the highest impact on your side hustle's success. This might involve delegating less critical tasks, outsourcing if possible, or streamlining your workflow. Remember, sometimes saying "no" to something allows you to say "yes" to something more meaningful.

Mornings Made Magical:

The early bird might get the worm, but you can be a productive night owl too! Utilize your mornings, when your mind is fresh and distractions are minimal. Craft a morning routine that fuels your creative spirit and sets the tone for a focused day. This could include meditation, a quick yoga session, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of coffee while planning your creative conquest for the day.

Embrace the Power of Automation:

Technology is your friend! Utilize scheduling tools for social media posts, email marketing, or even content creation to automate repetitive tasks. This frees up your precious time for the activities that require your unique creative touch.

Fuel Your Creativity:

Don't let the daily grind extinguish your artistic flame! Nurture your creative spirit by:

  • Consuming inspiring content: Read books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts that spark your imagination.

  • Connecting with other creatives: Join online communities, attend workshops, or simply strike up a conversation with that fellow artist at the coffee shop (or on IG). Sharing and learning from others keeps your creative juices flowing.

  • Engaging in creative activities outside your side hustle: Explore new hobbies, take a painting class, or simply doodle in your sketchbook. Keep your creative muscles active!

Remember, You're Not Alone

Feeling overwhelmed is normal, especially when juggling responsibilities. Seek support from your network, whether it's friends, family, or online communities. Sharing your struggles and experiences can offer valuable insights and encouragement.


The Only Boldly Blueprint: Say Goodbye to Hustling Harder


Ditch the Hustle, Embrace the Flow: Sustainable Habits for Creative Business Growth