Goal Setting for Busy Creatives

“Juggling a full life doesn't have to mean putting your creative dreams on hold.”

Whether you're running your business on the side, a full-time creative, or enjoy working your 9-5, if you own a creative business you deserve to see your business flourish. But amidst the daily craziness of work, family, and life, carving out time and direction for your creative business and your big goals can feel overwhelming. That's where effective goal setting comes in, your secret weapon for transforming those fuzzy aspirations into a clear roadmap for success.

But you might be thinking - isn't goal setting just another thing I have to add to my already full to-do list? Not quite, Creative! When you do it right, goal setting becomes a powerful tool for clarity and action (hopefully with some motivation sprinkled in).

It helps you prioritize what matters most, stay focused on your big life & biz vision, and celebrate milestones along the way. So grab your favorite pen and one of those notebooks you collect but never use and let's get started with goal setting specifically designed for busy creatives like you!

The Power of SMART Goals:

Yes, we’re probably familiar with SMART goals but there’s a reason for that, right? They work. I mean imagine setting a goal like "have a successful creative business." Sounds amazing. But how do you actually achieve it? Enter the SMART framework. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let's dive a little deeper.

  • Specific: Don't be vague! Instead of "sell more artwork," aim for "increase online sales of watercolor prints by 20% in the next quarter."

  • Measurable: Quantify your goal whenever possible. Numbers provide a trackable path and it’s so important to track your numbers as a creative business owner.

  • Achievable: Be realistic. Setting the bar too high can lead to discouragement. Start with smaller, achievable steps and gradually increase the challenge.

  • Relevant: Ensure your goal aligns with your vision and values - both your personal vision + values AND your business vision + values. Are you passionate about teaching calligraphy workshops? Then expanding your online course might be more relevant than focusing solely on Etsy product sales.

  • Time-bound: Give your goal a deadline! This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay on track.

Aligning Goals with Values:

Reminder: goals are more than just numbers on a page. They are fueled by your deeper desires and values. Take some time to reflect on what makes you excited about your business and lights you up. Do you value artistic freedom? Community building? Sharing your knowledge? Connecting your goals to these values ensures you're pursuing something truly meaningful and motivating.

Breaking Down Big Dreams:

So, you've crafted a SMART goal aligned with your values. Now, let's make it bite-sized! Think of mini-goals as stepping stones leading to your ultimate destination. For example, if your goal is to launch an online calligraphy course, mini-goals could include creating course material, designing a website, and setting up payment processing. These smaller, actionable steps feel less daunting and keep you moving forward. Bold action is really just taking any action that moves your forward.

Making Time for Dreams:

Time might feel… non-existent when you’re juggling all the things. By implementing time management techniques like time blocking and task batching, you can carve out dedicated time for your business goals. Batching all your social media scheduling or content creation for one day frees up space for other other things during the week. Doing all your admin tasks together then all your client related tasks keeps you in the same mindset. Remember, even 30 minutes a day consistently dedicated to your business goals can make a significant difference.

Taming the Overwhelm:

Let's face it, setbacks are inevitable. The key is to not let them derail your progress. Anticipate challenges and create a plan to overcome them. Did you miss a deadline? Adjust your timeframes and get back on track. Feeling overwhelmed? Break down your tasks further or seek support from fellow creatives. And remember: celebrate all wins. Nothing is too tmsll to celebrate!

Ready to Set Your Dreams in Motion?

Here are some bonus tips to maximize your goal-setting journey:

  • Visualize your success: Create a vision board or write down a detailed description of your desired outcome.

  • Find an accountability partner: Share your goals with a supportive friend or join a mastermind group for encouragement and inspiration.

  • Track your progress: Use a planner, online tool, or habit tracker to monitor your achievements and stay motivated.

  • Celebrate milestones: Don't underestimate the power of celebrating small wins! Reward yourself for completing mini-goals to keep you motivated for the other tasks on your plate.

Remember, goal setting is a continuous process, not a one-time event. As your creative business evolves, so too will your goals. Embrace the journey, tweak when need to, and enjoy the creative process.


Ditch the Hustle, Embrace the Flow: Sustainable Habits for Creative Business Growth